Accepted Papers

Call for Participation

While HCI and design research acknowledged the importance of empathy to the design of user-centered technologies and services, there remain open questions about: assessing empathy, its diversity, and related tensions.

In this one-day interactive workshop, we will consolidate existing theories and conceptualization of empathy, coalesce them to form a comprehensive and coherent framework, scrutinize the seams, and examine the overarching attributes of Empathy-Centric Design. This will lead to the formulation of its research agenda.

Submissions will be selected based on novelty, provocativeness, quality, and relevance to the workshop (i.e., related to Empathy-Centric Design topics and engaging discussion) through a rigorous, double-blind peer review process.

Important Dates

Submission Format

We are proud to announce that accepted papers will be published in ACM’s International Conference Proceedings Series!

Submissions should be submitted via Easychair (link) and be anonymized according to the CHI anonymization policy..

Submission Types

We invited a broad range of different types of papers, including:

Review Process

All submissions will be selected based on novelty, provocativeness, quality, and relevance to the workshop (i.e., related to Empathy-Centric Design topics and engaging discussion) through a rigorous, double-blind peer review process.

General and Program Chairs will oversee the review process, including establishing a program committee (PC) of past EmpathiCH ’22 authors and those with expertise in the topic, selecting a minimum of three knowledgeable reviewers for each submission (at least one of which will be a member of the PC), taking decision for conditional paper acceptance or rejection based on the resulting reviews at a formal committee meeting with PC members.

Note: only minor revisions will be accepted, and the submissions will be reviewed within 2 weeks.

After Acceptance

After acceptance, we will ask the authors to prepare a final camera-ready version and a summary of changes to be reviewed by the program committee before final acceptance. Authors will also be asked to prepare a 4-8 minute video summarizing their work, which we will publish on the EmpathiCH workshop website. One week before the workshop, we will ask the participants to familiarize themselves with the papers and the videos. Additionally, we will invite all authors to join a special Slack channel to facilitate informal communication.

At least one author of each accepted paper must attend the workshop, and all participants must register for the workshop for at least one day of the conference.

Finally the camera-ready version of the paper will be published in ACM’s International Conference Proceedings Series.


Please direct queries to Wo Meijer ( or Luce Drouet (