The second
at CHI2023

© Ochir-Erdene Oyunmedeg -

EmpathiCH: Unravelling Empathy-Centric Design

The official proceedings are out!. Check them out here.

EmpathiCH is a full-day workshop at CHI ‘23 that includes participants’ presentations, two inspiring keynote talks, and a panel of experts.

Stimulated by this discussion, the expertise, and experiences of the participants will be combined during a participatory session to shape the future of the “Empathy Design at Scale” research agenda.

Important Dates


We invite you to register for the workshop using the instructions found here.


We believe that there is a need to expand theories, novel assessment methods, and empirical studies to increase our understanding of empathy and support the human-centered design of technologies and services. In particular, we seek to:


Please direct any and all questions to Wo Meijer ( or Luce Drouet (

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